age before beauty
What is a restoration ? UGSR`s Definition:
The preservation and restoration of automobiles involving UGSR`s mechanical or cosmetic techniques to repair vehicles.
At UGSR (Ultra Gloss Smash Repairs) we pride ourselves when it s comes to full restoration & are experienced to the core. Whether it`s a classic car, bus or even a limo, our panel beaters and painters have worked on 100`s of them.
What is a UGSR vehicle restorer?
Definition: A automotive UGSR specialised whom refurbishes classic cars to orginal factory prestine condition.
At UGSR (Ultra Gloss Smash Repairs) we pride ourselves when it comes to full restores, our car restorers are qualified and very experienced automotive repairers whom between them have over 100 years of classic car conditioniong.
Rest assured you will be 100% satisfied.
it`s all about the finish
At UGSR (Ultra Gloss Smash repairs) we use the word Prestine Finish allot! & what is Prestine?
UGSR`s Definition: belonging or binging back to the earliest non damaged period or state.
UGSR we will bring your car back to its orginal & earliest state. You will be amazed!
- the body work: you can`t compete,
- the panel beaters: hands like surgens,
- the spray painters: oldest in the industry,
all work together as single unit to bring life back into pride and joy.